Thursday, November 28, 2013

Things Iʻm thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Though personally I feel we should be thankful everyday for all we have, once a year we spend a whole day on the subject. Here are the things I am most grateful for this year:

  • Iʻm thankful for being able to have traveled so much in the past year. I've been to Japan (just to eat and go shopping), Sweden to visit +Stephanie Newhouse , France for a wedding I will never forget and food I literally dream about, San Jose to see the PCQ, an unforgettable trip to Sin City with my closest friends and a trip back to Australia that was beyond an amazing!!!
  • Family and my friends I consider family. They are my rock and I wouldn't know what I would do without them.
  • Friends who add interest and good times.
  • I finally am back in school.
  • Our newest addition to our family, my nephew. The first of his generation.
  • Knowing where I am headed in life.
    • BA in Art History with a minor in Theater (though I hope I can double major)
    • Masters Certificate in Museum Studies and a Masters in Art History
    • PhD in an undetermined field
  • My job at Gallery ʻIolani for getting me on the right track and especially to the gallery director and my mentor Toni for taking a chance on me.
  • Iʻm thankful for the lessons I have been learning lately. They have all made me realize what truly is important in this life.
  • and for me being me and getting comfortable in my own skin!
Though this list doesn't have everything I am truly grateful for, this does sum up all the important ones.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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